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So What Is The Passover Story, Really?

created esther passover plans Mar 26, 2019

Calling ALL Modern-Day Esthers, Have you taken time to learn about Passover? Passover is coming up this month. We want to encourage ALL our Esthers to spend time preparing for this holiday. Here is the story's overview!

Overview: Long ago, the Israelites were enslaved by the Egyptian pharaohs for many years. During their slavery, God’s people were focused to hard physical labor and unimaginable horror. They pledged to God and in response, God sent Moses. Moses went to the Pharaoh with a very well-known message, “Send forth My people, so that they may serve Me.” Arrogantly, the Pharaoh refused God’s demand. As a result, God send the ten plagues upon Egypt. The land and people were greatly affected.  

As the clock hit midnight of 15 Nissan in the year 2448 from creation (1313 BCE),God’s last plague hit Egypt. He would kill all their first-born children. However, He showed mercy to His children. Their homes would be passed over. This is where the...

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Mitzvah Monday Challenge March 25, 2019

This week's Mitzvah challenge: providing the gift of physical interaction! Whose hand will you hold this week?

This week's Mitzvah challenge: taking time to share a breakfast, lunch, or dinner with someone special! Who will you share a meal with this week?

Come over to our Facebook page or connect with us on Instagram and share your thoughts!

For such a time as this,
Peggy Kennedy and Leah Miles

P.S. Be Blessed! Christian Women for Israel is a community of Modern-Day Esthers. Join us and become an Esther!

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Are You Preparing For Purim?

created esther plans purim Mar 19, 2019

Calling ALL Modern-Day Esthers, Have you taken time to review the book of Esther? Purim is coming up this month. This book in the bible is a must read and we encourage ALL Esthers to schedule time this month to review Esther. Here is the book of Esther in a nutshell!

Overview: The Persian Empire of the 4th century BCE was extremely large and all Jewish people were occupations of this region. The ruler was King Ahasuerus. He had his Queen, Vashti, executed for disobeying his instructions. After, he arranged a national beauty pageant to find a new queen. A very young Jewish girl named Esther was chosen to be his new Queen. The young Queen had not disclosed her heritage with anyone.

In the intervening time, Haman (a member of the royal court) was appointed prime minister of the empire. Mordecai, the leader of the Jews (and Esther’s cousin), defied the king’s orders and refused to bow to Haman. Haman was enraged by this display of disrespect. As a result, he...

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Mitzvah Monday Challenge March 18, 2019

This week's Mitzvah challenge: providing the gift of physical interaction! Whose hand will you hold this week?

This week's Mitzvah challenge: providing the gift of physical interaction! Whose hand will you hold this week?

Come over to our Facebook page or connect with us on Instagram and share your thoughts!

For such a time as this,
Peggy Kennedy and Leah Miles

P.S. Be Blessed! Christian Women for Israel is a community of Modern-Day Esthers. Join us and become an Esther!

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When Is It Time To Celebrate Purim?

created esther plans purim Mar 12, 2019

Calling ALL Modern-Day Esthers, We have taken the month of March to learn more regarding the Festival of Purim. We are getting close to celebrating this date! Let's learn more of the customs and when to celebrate! 

What Are Purim Customs?

1. Within the Jewish calendar, the fun of Purim is incomparable to any other date! This is a day to celebrate Jewish heritage, silliness, and enjoying life!

2. It is also customary for children and sometimes adults to dress up in costumes. The Jewish People wear masks or costumes as a symbol of the hidden meaning in the story of Esther. It is really behind the scenes God called Esther "For Such A Time As This" to save His people.  

3. A traditional Purim food is "hamantaschen". These are three-cornered sweet pastries smoothed with poppy seeds. 

4. On the day before Purim, it is customary to fast. This is commemorating Esther’s fasting. Queen Esther fasted with the Jewish people for three days...

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Mitzvah Monday Challenge March 11, 2019

This week's Mitzvah challenge: bless someone by reading a story to them! Who can you read a story to this week? 

This week's Mitzvah challenge: bless someone by reading a story to them! Who can you read a story to this week? 

Come over to our Facebook page or connect with us on Instagram and share your thoughts!

For such a time as this,
Peggy Kennedy and Leah Miles

P.S. Be Blessed! Christian Women for Israel is a community of Modern-Day Esthers. Join us and become an Esther!

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Miracle & Miles Part 1: Learning of Healing Miracles

26.22 holy land marathon run Mar 07, 2019

Esthers, we are so excited to share a miracle with you today. This miracle was in the life and family of Kristina King, a modern-day Esther! The Esther 414 Foundation is honored to have Kristina as a member of our Board of Directors. Kristina serves as the African American Affairs Director for Passages and The Philos Project. She is a devote Christian. It is through Kristina and her love for Christ, The Esther 414 Foundation and the Christian Women For Israel program learned of her families’ amazing miracle which we will be speaking about today.

With her on this journey is one of our very own Mordecai’s, Michael Davis, which will be participating in the Jerusalem Marathon in the Holy Land on March 15, 2019.  This incredible faith leader and athlete will be running each mile (26.22) in honor of the miracles he has witnessed and experienced. Wow that is some commitment!

Michael is dedicated to praying for healing miracles with each step he runs. ...

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What motivates Christian Zionists? By Shelley Neese

What motivates Christian Zionists? 

By Shelley Neese 

I am a Christian. And I am a Zionist. But it took me years of being both to realize that I’m a Christian Zionist. Though I consider myself a strong Christian and a committed lover of Israel, out of college I was leery of calling myself a Christian Zionist. My definition of a Christian Zionist was unclear and muddled by stereotypes I had absorbed over time. 

Where I got those stereotypes is no mystery. Any time you hear interviews with prominent Christian Zionist leaders, certain questions are guaranteed to come up: 

“Gary Bauer from American Values, tell us why evangelicals are so eager for the apocalypse?” 

“Susan Michael from International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, is church support for Israel merely a tool to convert the Jews?” 

“Earl Cox from Israel Always, do Christian Zionists only support Israel to realize the scenario of Armageddon?” 


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Mitzvah Monday Challenge March 4, 2019

Don’t miss this week’s Mitzvah Challenge!

This week's Mitzvah challenge: bless someone in a drive thru line behind you! Will you bless the person behind you in line?

This week's Mitzvah challenge: bless someone in a drive thru line behind you! Will you bless the person behind you in line?

Come over to our Facebook page or connect with us on Instagram and share your thoughts!

For such a time as this,
Peggy Kennedy and Leah Miles

P.S. Be Blessed! Christian Women for Israel is a community of Modern-Day Esthers. Join us and become an Esther!

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The Dead Sea Scrolls Monument By Shelley Neese

The Dead Sea Scrolls Monument  
By Shelley Neese 

In 1946 or 1947—no one knows for certain—a Bedouin goatherd nicknamed Muhammad the Wolf led his flock around the cliffs lining the northwest edge of the Dead Sea. As the livestock grazed on sparse vegetation, Muhammad wandered around the boulders. According to one of several variants of the account, he hurled a stone into a cave to startle a stray goat and heard pottery shatter. Too frightened to lower himself into the cave alone, he returned several days later with at least two relatives from his Ta’amireh tribe. Though they fantasized about finding gold and silver, instead they stumbled upon a cache of oddly shaped clay vessels with bowl shaped lids. Inside one jar, they discovered three ancient leather scrolls, intact and wrapped in linen. 

The Bedouin carted their scrolls back to their camp. The tribesmen stored the bundle in a goat skin bag and hung it from a tent pole....

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