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Mitzvah Monday Challenge April 22, 2019

This week's Mitzvah challenge: express thanks to a firefighter or police officer! Will you thank a first responder this week?

Come over to our Facebook page or connect with us on Instagram and share your thoughts!

For such a time as this,
Peggy Kennedy and Leah Miles

P.S. Be Blessed! Christian Women for Israel is a community of Modern-Day Esthers. Join us and become an Esther!

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Mitzvah Monday Challenge April 15, 2019

This week's Mitzvah challenge: invite a friend or loved one to church this week! Who can you bring to church this week?

Come over to our Facebook page or connect with us on Instagram and share your thoughts!

For such a time as this,
Peggy Kennedy and Leah Miles

P.S. Share our Mitzvah challenge with a friend today!

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Mitzvah Monday Challenge April 8, 2019

This week's Mitzvah challenge: take the opportunity to write a letter or card to someone! Which old friend will you reconnect with this week?

This week's Mitzvah challenge: take the opportunity to write a letter or card to someone! Which old friend will you reconnect with this week?

Come over to our Facebook page or connect with us on Instagram and share your thoughts!

For such a time as this,
Peggy Kennedy and Leah Miles

P.S. Read more about our Mitzvah Monday Challenge and other exciting news on our Christian Women For Israel blog

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For Such a Time as This!

 "For Such a Time as This” 

One of the most compelling and timeless promises of Scripture is found in God’s statement to Abraham:  

            “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.  I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:2–3).

             This promise is crucial for us to understand and believe today as Christians who take God’s Word seriously—and who seek His blessing on our lives. 

 National Blessing 

            First of all, God assured Abraham that his descendants, the Jews, would become a “great nation.”  This was fulfilled in the birth and growth of Israel, and God...

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Mitzvah Monday Challenge April 1, 2019

Don’t miss this week’s Mitzvah Challenge!

This week's Mitzvah challenge: take time to donate blood! Whose life will you save today?

This week's Mitzvah challenge: take time to donate blood! Whose life will you save today?

Come over to our Facebook page or connect with us on Instagram and share your thoughts!

For such a time as this,
Peggy Kennedy and Leah Miles

P.S. Join us for a Double Blessed Prayer and Teaching Call on Tuesday evening! 


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Mitzvah Monday Challenge March 11, 2019

This week's Mitzvah challenge: bless someone by reading a story to them! Who can you read a story to this week? 

This week's Mitzvah challenge: bless someone by reading a story to them! Who can you read a story to this week? 

Come over to our Facebook page or connect with us on Instagram and share your thoughts!

For such a time as this,
Peggy Kennedy and Leah Miles

P.S. Be Blessed! Christian Women for Israel is a community of Modern-Day Esthers. Join us and become an Esther!

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Mitzvah Monday Challenge March 4, 2019

Don’t miss this week’s Mitzvah Challenge!

This week's Mitzvah challenge: bless someone in a drive thru line behind you! Will you bless the person behind you in line?

This week's Mitzvah challenge: bless someone in a drive thru line behind you! Will you bless the person behind you in line?

Come over to our Facebook page or connect with us on Instagram and share your thoughts!

For such a time as this,
Peggy Kennedy and Leah Miles

P.S. Be Blessed! Christian Women for Israel is a community of Modern-Day Esthers. Join us and become an Esther!

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Are YOU A Disciple-Maker?

"The whole world must see that Israel must exist and has the right to exist and is one of the great outposts of democracy in the world"  - Martin Luther King Jr. 

God has called us ALL to be disciple-makers! Paul instructs ALL men of Christ to enter the mission of Jesus Christ and to be an active member of His army, "You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others." (2 Timothy 2:1-2). 

Esthers, you are not alone in his army of Modern-Day Esthers. We are standing with you. We are being trained by God to lead others to spread His word and to glorify His Kingdom. We have been called to create D I S C I P L E S. 

As we celebrate the memory of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., let us take on the spirit of the early church and be active disciples for Jesus. Dr. King preached,...

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Experience the miracle of Christmas!


"Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, good will to men, I bring you good news of great joy to everyone." These are the words the angels said over the hills outside of the town of Bethlehem when they announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherds.  That first Christmas is the reason we live with purpose... The precious baby in the manger was proof that God loved us.  

Experiencing a meaningful Christmas is not decorating your home, buying more gifts or taking your children or grandchildren to visit Santa. It is putting Christ first, focusing on what matters most, and then sharing that love with others. 

This Christmas celebration can be a time to be still and reflect on the love that God has for us, and then find a way to share that love with others.   

Jesus is the greatest gift of all! Once that amazing love has been placed in us, (Romans 5:5) we now have full capacity to love like Christ.  It is love that allows us to...

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Take the "Mitzvah Challenge"!

What’s a “Mitzvah”?

You may have heard people – primarily Jews – use the term “Mitzvah” in describing a good deed accomplished or within the name of transformational ceremonies for young boys and girls – the Bar and Bat Mitzvah.

Translated from Hebrew, the word “mitzvah" is not merely a “good deed,” but actually a commandment, among over 600 derived from the Torah.   All such commandments were traditionally understood to come from God in guiding Jewish people on how to live their lives.

So, a “mitzvah” in a sense is more than just acting with goodness and generosity in dealing with families, friends and strangers. Rather, it is all about making an ongoing commitment to live a holy life, most often giving of one’s time, talent and philanthropy in support of an individual in need or a specific cause.

As a group of Christian Women we challenge ourselves to live like Jesus to...

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