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The Story of Esther

Generations of Christian women have drawn faith, strength, and encouragement from the example of Queen Esther. She is one of the most amazing women—and stories—in the Bible.

Esther lived 2,500 years ago as the Jewish queen of King Xerxes of Persia. She appealed to her king—at the risk of her own life—for the lives of fellow Jews in exile who were facing extermination by their mortal enemy, Haman (Esther 7:3).

Unless Esther acted, tens of thousands of Jews would have been murdered . . . a true “holocaust” twenty-five centuries before the Nazis attempt at Jewish genocide!

Now today, Christian Women for Israel has stepped forward as a community of tens of thousands of modern-day “Esthers” praying and standing for Israel. This vibrant group of women is seeking God’s blessing on the nation and His protection against enemies seeking to destroy her.

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