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A Glorious Future -  Stand for the Hostages 

 In today’s edition, we celebrate the unveiling of Yad Vashem Way in NYC—a powerful tribute to Holocaust remembrance—and President Trump’s bold action against antisemitism on college campuses. After 482 days in captivity, three Israeli hostages have finally returned home, yet about 100 hostages—both living and deceased—remain in Hamas’s hands. Meanwhile, the world watches anxiously as the fate of the Bibas family remains uncertain, and Israel’s new ambassador to Washington reminds us, “This is a battle of good against evil.”

Christian Women for Israel is committed to prayer, advocacy, and action. Join us as we stand for truth, demand the release of every last hostage, and  bless Israel.


Never Forget: A Powerful Reminder in the Streets of New York 


A new sign stands in Manhattan—"Yad Vashem Way"—a permanent reminder of the Holocaust and a challenge to never forget. But will...

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