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Walking in Faithful Serviceā€”A Call to Modern-Day Esthers

As Christian Women For Israel navigates challenging times marked by rising hate and conflict, it is vital to reflect on the heart of Esther’s story—a woman who rose in obedience to protect her people and serve the Lord with unwavering faith. Esther understood her divine calling, standing with courage in a time of great fear, just as we are called to do today.

In 1 Samuel 12:24, we are reminded: "Be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you." This verse speaks to the essence of a modern-day Esther. Serving God faithfully requires deep trust in His plan, especially when facing adversity. Esther did not shrink back in the face of danger, and neither can we.

Today, we see rising anti-Semitism and the spread of hate. Just as Esther faced Haman’s threats, modern-day Esthers are called to stand against the evil we witness in the world. We are called to act boldly, knowing that God is with us. He has...

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