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Elise Stefanik - A Modern Day Esther!

“By nominating Rep. Elise Stefanik as UN Ambassador, President Trump has sent a clear message: The United States will stand by Israel and fight back against the vile antisemitism running rampant at Turtle Bay,” declared the Republican Jewish Coalition following her confirmation hearing.

Standing Boldly Against Antisemitism
Elise Stefanik’s unwavering defense of Israel at her Senate confirmation hearing reflects the courage and clarity Modern-Day Esthers embody. Condemning the “antisemitic rot” within the United Nations, Stefanik pledged to bring moral clarity to an institution that disproportionately targets Israel. “If you look at the antisemitic rot within the United Nations, there are more resolutions targeting Israel than any other country, any other crisis combined,” she said, a statement that underscores the need for steadfast leadership.

Stefanik also called out the UN’s failure to condemn the Hamas-led atrocities of October 7,...

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