
Devotional: "Not Home Yet"

home lord mathew rewardJul 20, 2019
Topic: Not Home Yet Scripture: "But many who seem to be important now will be the least important then, and those who are considered least here will be the greatest then." Matthew 19:30 Message: A mis

Devotional: "Drop Your LOT"

god abraham called houseJul 20, 2019
Topic: Drop your LOT Scripture: Genesis 12 Message: At first glance, you might think that Abraham and his nephew Lot both were spiritual men.But a closer examination reveals that this was not the case

Mitzvah Monday Challenge July 15, 2019

christian women for israel esther holy land mitzvah monday cw4i connect readJul 15, 2019
This week's Mitzvah challenge: call a long lost friend! Who can you call this week? Come over to our Facebook page or connect with us on Instagram and share your thoughts! P.S. Share our Mitzvah chall

Devotional: "You can be HAPPY without Sin"

god bible happy israel sinJul 13, 2019
Topic: You can be HAPPY without Sin Scripture: Jesus replied, The Israelites had not celebrated like this since the days of Joshua son of Nun” (Nehemiah 8:17 NLT). Message: Sometimes people think if t

Thank You For Your Support This Year

christian women for israel esther cw4i calling for such a time as this israel godMay 08, 2019
"For Such A Time As This" - Esther 4:14 Greetings, Modern-Day Esthers! We are reminded of God's goodness this week, as we celebrate the one year anniversary of launching Christian Women For Israel (CW

Prayer of Thanks for CW4I

esther god israel jesus prayer usaMay 07, 2019
Esthers, This week, we approach our one year anniversary of launching the Christian Women For Israel (CW4I) Program. As we reflect on the year, we would like to offer a prayer of thanks to God for His

Yom HaShoah 2019

holy land god israel prayer holiday jewish yom hashoahMay 01, 2019
“There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” Elie Wiesel, Nobel Prize winning author and Holocaust survivor Yom HaZikaron la

Mitzvah Monday Challenge April 29, 2019

christian women for israel esther holy land mitzvah monday cw4i connect readApr 29, 2019
This week's Mitzvah challenge: console someone in need this week! Who needs a word of encouragement? Come over to our Facebook page or connect with us on Instagram and share your thoughts! For such a

Mitzvah Monday Challenge April 22, 2019

christian women for israel esther holy land mitzvah monday cw4i connect readApr 22, 2019
This week's Mitzvah challenge: express thanks to a firefighter or police officer! Will you thank a first responder this week? Come over to our Facebook page or connect with us on Instagram and share y

Mitzvah Monday Challenge April 15, 2019

christian women for israel esther holy land mitzvah monday cw4i connect readApr 15, 2019
This week's Mitzvah challenge: invite a friend or loved one to church this week! Who can you bring to church this week? Come over to our Facebook page or connect with us on Instagram and share your th

Mitzvah Monday Challenge April 8, 2019

christian women for israel esther holy land mitzvah monday cw4i connect readApr 08, 2019
This week's Mitzvah challenge: take the opportunity to write a letter or card to someone! Which old friend will you reconnect with this week? This week's Mitzvah challenge: take the opportunity to wri

For Such a Time as This!

christian women for israel modern-day esther cw4i genesis 12:3 kotel pray for the peace of jerusalem western wallApr 04, 2019
"For Such a Time as This” One of the most compelling and timeless promises of Scripture is found in God’s statement to Abraham: “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make

What Are Some Passover Traditions?

esther created passover plansApr 03, 2019
Modern-Day Esthers, Have you taken time learn about Passover? Passover is coming up this month. We want to encourage ALL our Esthers to spend time preparing for this holiday. Here is a brief overview

Mitzvah Monday Challenge April 1, 2019

christian women for israel esther holy land mitzvah monday cw4i connect readApr 01, 2019
Don’t miss this week’s Mitzvah Challenge! This week's Mitzvah challenge: take time to donate blood! Whose life will you save today? This week's Mitzvah challenge: take time to donate blood! Whose life

So What Is The Passover Story, Really?

esther created passover plansMar 26, 2019
Calling ALL Modern-Day Esthers, Have you taken time to learn about Passover? Passover is coming up this month. We want to encourage ALL our Esthers to spend time preparing for this holiday. Here is th

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