The issue of Qatar gets to the heart of the policy dilemma facing Western nations in the Middle East, in that the emirate effectively plays both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The tech giants’ organizational culture raises significant questions about the wisdom of granting them exclusive control over Israel’s government data for the next seven years.
They raised concerns about the effect of the BDS endorsement on the “well-being of Jewish and Zionist students at Harvard, some of whom have already reported that they have become alienated from the newspaper on account of the inhospitable culture that prevails there.”
Although the current conflict was forced on Israel and it would have been better had it not erupted, the Jewish state has the opportunity to make lemonade out of the lemons.
In the past half-decade, illegal Palestinian building and infrastructure have sprawled across more than 9,000 dunams (nine square kilometers) in 250 locations with access roads, retaining walls and terracing.
“The lack of boundaries, combined with the growing success of this platform, makes it an ideal virtual home for hate speech and extremist content,” it concluded.
Antone Melton-Meaux, one of four candidates challenging Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar in the primary, has critcized her record of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel remarks.
Bilateral trade is up 85% over 2021, according to Azerbaijan's Economy Ministry, and more than 90 Israeli firms are currently operating in the country.