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Are YOU A Disciple-Maker?

"The whole world must see that Israel must exist and has the right to exist and is one of the great outposts of democracy in the world"  - Martin Luther King Jr. 

God has called us ALL to be disciple-makers! Paul instructs ALL men of Christ to enter the mission of Jesus Christ and to be an active member of His army, "You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others." (2 Timothy 2:1-2). 

Esthers, you are not alone in his army of Modern-Day Esthers. We are standing with you. We are being trained by God to lead others to spread His word and to glorify His Kingdom. We have been called to create D I S C I P L E S. 

As we celebrate the memory of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., let us take on the spirit of the early church and be active disciples for Jesus. Dr. King preached, “We need to pledge ourselves anew to the cause of Christ. We must capture the spirit of the early church. Wherever the early Christians went, they made a triumphant witness for Christ. Whether on the village streets or in the city jails, they daringly proclaimed the good news of the gospel”.

This past Sunday, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reported an Iranian missile was fired and targeted Golan Heights. With God's grace, this missile failed by the interception of Israel’s Iron Dome system. We have seen this before. It is another attack and act of violence by Tehran towards Israel, the Jewish state. In response, with much consideration, the Israeli Air Force struck Iranian targets in Syria.

Yesterday, Syria’s Representative to the United Nations notified that if the collective World Body did not demand Israeli strikes on Syria to cease, there would be retaliation. Syria would release an attack on Ben Gurion International Airport.
Esthers, yesterday's events require a call action. We need to raise up against this violence. Today we ask for you to join our Border Patrol. This membership allows you to “Adopt” a specific, critical 1 KM section of Israel’s 1,017-kilometer border for prayer.
As a member of the Border Patrol, you are helping to provide clothing, food, and shelter to the neediest, the most vulnerable, those living in the most dangerous of places in the Holy Land.   
You receive a certificate of appreciation and map highlighted with information on the people, land, and prayers. CW4I monthly membership is included with your monthly donation.

Will you join our Border Patrol today?

Your Sisters in Christ,

Peggy Kennedy and Leah Miles

PS Thank you for a generous heart. Click here to join the Border Patrol today.  

And as you join us in praising the Living God for the miracle of the modern-day state of Israel, we pray youā€™ll renew your own resolve to bless Israel and the Jewish people by giving a generous gift of support.

May God bless you for being a blessing to Israel and the Jewish people

Yes, I want to Bless the Jewish People in Israel!

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