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Esther Community Sisters Counting on Us...And You...For Help!


Asia is a single mom who works desperately hard to provide for her 5-year-old son, Zy’Aire. But after facing significant, unexpected expenses, Asia has started falling behind.

Even though Asia works her fingers to the bone to catch up, it’s never enough. Asia can barely cover her rent each month, much less put food on the table or gas in her car.

But there’s hope . . .

You see, Asia’s mom told her about Christian Women for Israel and our Sisters in Need program — a special community-funded program we started 2 years ago to support daughters in Christ with practical help in their hour of need.

Asia is the perfect example of why we launched Sisters in Need.

Can you give a gift right now to help support Asia and other sisters in need who are struggling?

Whatever you can give now will help us reach our goal of DOUBLING the number of sisters we support, like Asia, through Sisters in Need.

Another way you can help is by purchasing entries into our “For Such a Time as This” Chance Drawing  that we wrote to you about recently. It’s our way of blessing those who are struggling in our Esther Community — and supporting single moms, like Asia, and other sisters in need.

All proceeds from our will go towards our Sisters in Need goal. And $1,000 in gas and grocery cards will be given away in July through a weekly drawing.

  • 4 winners will receive a $100 Gas Card 
  • 4 winners will receive a $100 Food Card 
  • 4 winners will receive a $50 Gas Card

You can follow along with us on Facebook — and read more touching stories of how you’re helping the Esther Community through your prayers and support.

But please get involved. This is a community effort — sisters supporting sisters in their time of need. That’s simply what we're called to do as followers of Jesus, and as “modern-day Esthers.”

And as you give today, will you also say a prayer for Asia and her son, Zy’Aire?

Thank you for your prayers, support, and compassion — for Israel and for your neighbors in need — For Such a Time as This!




And as you join us in praising the Living God for the miracle of the modern-day state of Israel, we pray youā€™ll renew your own resolve to bless Israel and the Jewish people by giving a generous gift of support.

May God bless you for being a blessing to Israel and the Jewish people

Yes, I want to Bless the Jewish People in Israel!

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