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Study Torah with Pastors Ken & Lisa Albin

Christian Women For Israel is proud to partner with Pastors Ken and Lisa Albin of Save the Nations church.  Pastors Ken and Lisa teach on Torah & Hebraic roots of the faith, as well as scripture of Old and New Testaments. Please join us in learning and shining Adonai’s Ways & Days as a light to the Nations. 

Join in the weekly Torah Study.

Text " TORAH " to 224-225-7414 to join Pastor Ken and Lisa! 

And as you join us in praising the Living God for the miracle of the modern-day state of Israel, we pray you’ll renew your own resolve to bless Israel and the Jewish people by giving a generous gift of support.

May God bless you for being a blessing to Israel and the Jewish people

Yes, I want to Bless the Jewish People in Israel!

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