Calling ALL Modern-Day Esthers, Have you taken time to review the book of Esther? Purim is coming up this month. This book in the bible is a must read and we encourage ALL Esthers to schedule time this month to review Esther. Here is the book of Esther in a nutshell!
Overview: The Persian Empire of the 4th century BCE was extremely large and all Jewish people were occupations of this region. The ruler was King Ahasuerus. He had his Queen, Vashti, executed for disobeying his instructions. After, he arranged a national beauty pageant to find a new queen. A very young Jewish girl named Esther was chosen to be his new Queen. The young Queen had not disclosed her heritage with anyone.
In the intervening time, Haman (a member of the royal court) was appointed prime minister of the empire. Mordecai, the leader of the Jews (and Esther’s cousin), defied the king’s orders and refused to bow to Haman. Haman was enraged by this display of disrespect. As a result, he convinced the king to issue a decree ordering the execution of all the Jewish people.
In reponse, Mordecai gathered the Jewish people. He inspired and encouraged ALL people to pray and fast for three days. After the three days of fasting, Esther invited her king and Haman to a feast. Then she prepared a second feast for them. It was at this second event, Esther told the king of her Jewish identity and pledged for her people. The king granted Esther's wish and the Jewish people were saved. Haman was hanged and Mordecai was appointed prime minister.
On the 13th of Adar, the Jewish people mobilized and fought against their enemies. On the 14th of Adar, they rested, gave thanks, and celebrated.
God used Esther for His plans. He created Esther for this moment in history, “For Such A Time As This”. Mordeci warned Esther, if she chose not follow God’s calling to protect her people, God would use someone else and she would not be saved. We know God has created EVERY person for His purpose and His glory. There is a plan for YOU.
God created YOU “For Such A Time As This”. Are you listening to God and following His plans for your life?
P.S. Have you taken time to review our recent podcast on the "remaining story of Esther" with Rabbi Tuly?
And as you join us in praising the Living God for the miracle of the modern-day state of Israel, we pray youâll renew your own resolve to bless Israel and the Jewish people by giving a generous gift of support.
May God bless you for being a blessing to Israel and the Jewish people
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