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Keep Your Eyes Up – Or You’ll Trip Over the Chaos

"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."Colossians 3:2

The News Is a Dumpster Fire

Let’s be honest—if you spend more than 10 minutes watching the news, you might feel like crawling into a cave and waiting for Jesus to return. Between devastating natural disasters, tragic plane crashes, wars erupting across the globe, and a rising tide of antisemitism, it can feel like the world is unraveling before our eyes. Every headline seems worse than the last, leaving us wondering: Where is God in all of this?

But Paul, in his infinite wisdom (or, more accurately, divine inspiration), tells us something different: "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."

Easier said than done, Paul. Especially when the “earthly things” involve terror groups masquerading as humanitarians, antisemitic mobs taking over city streets, and world leaders pretending like all of this is normal.

But here’s the thing—fixing our eyes on God doesn’t mean ignoring reality. It means seeing it through His reality. So let’s talk about how we do that, and why it’s absolutely necessary if we don’t want to lose our minds.

The Distraction Spiral (And How to Avoid It)

Picture this: You wake up, grab your phone, and start scrolling. The first headline is bad, the second one is worse, and by the time you’re done, you’ve self-diagnosed yourself with end-times anxiety.

Ever been there? (If you haven’t, teach me your ways.)

Paul’s advice in Colossians 3:2 is not about pretending bad things don’t exist. It’s about choosing what gets our attention. Because whatever we fixate on? That’s what shapes us.

  • Fix your eyes on fear? You’ll live in fear.
  • Fix your eyes on injustice? You’ll burn with anger.
  • Fix your eyes on social media? Congratulations, your brain is now made of hot takes and memes.
  • Fix your eyes on God? Peace. Clarity. Strength. And an actual strategy for dealing with this world.

This doesn’t mean we disengage. It means we look higher so we can engage wisely.

The Great Example – When Esther Didn’t Panic

Let’s talk about Esther. Because if anyone had reason to freak out, it was her.

The king had just legalized the slaughter of all Jews. Her people were about to be wiped out. And instead of panic-scrolling ancient Persian Twitter, Esther prayed. She fasted. She sought wisdom before taking action.

She knew what was happening. But she also knew who was ultimately in control.

And because she fixed her eyes above, she had the courage to step into the king’s court and change the course of history.

What would have happened if she had only looked at the earthly situation?

“Well, this is terrible. Guess I’ll go buy some doomsday supplies and hide in a cave. Maybe write a strongly worded letter.”

Nope. She acted—but with wisdom, prayer, and purpose.

What About Us? (AKA, The Part Where We Actually Do Something)

So, how do we fix our eyes above while still dealing with a world that’s actively trying to make us lose hope?

1. Recognize What’s Stealing Your Focus

  • What dominates your thoughts? News? Social media? Fear?
  • If it’s not leading you to prayer, faith, and action, it’s leading you somewhere else.

2. Fight With Faith, Not Just Frustration

  • Esther prayed before she acted. We should too.
  • Every time you feel overwhelmed, stop and pray. Not just a “Help, Jesus” prayer—an intentional, faith-filled, Scripture-backed prayer.

3. Choose To Be a Modern-Day Esther

  • Esther didn’t rant. She petitioned the King. Who’s your King? (Hint: It’s God.)
  • Speak up for truth, but don’t lose yourself in the chaos. Know when to act, when to pray, and when to trust that God is working.

Lift Your Eyes Before You Trip Over the Chaos

If you’re staring down at the mess of this world, you’ll feel hopeless. But if you lift your eyes—if you fix them on God—you’ll remember something powerful:

The world is not in charge. The media is not in charge. Terrorists are not in charge.
God is.

So next time you feel the panic rising, take a deep breath, lift your eyes, and remember Who’s really running the show.

And then? Go out and be an Esther.

For such a time as this.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What’s one thing in the world right now that’s been stealing too much of your focus?
  2. How can you shift from reacting to responding with wisdom like Esther did?
  3. What’s one practical way you can keep your eyes on God this week?

And as you join us in praising the Living God for the miracle of the modern-day state of Israel, we pray you’ll renew your own resolve to bless Israel and the Jewish people by giving a generous gift of support.

May God bless you for being a blessing to Israel and the Jewish people

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