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Modern-day Esthers: Navigating the Prophetic Significance of Hebrew Year 5785

As we emerge from Yom Kippur and approach Sukkot, we stand at a prophetic moment in the Hebrew year 5785. This year is rich with meaning for both Israel and believers around the world. For modern-day Esthers, it is a season of grace, redemption, and transformation—a call to align ourselves with God's purpose and to stand firmly for Israel.

Yom Kippur: A Time of Reflection and Renewal

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is a sacred time of reflection, repentance, and seeking God’s mercy. As believers, we join in prayer with our Jewish brothers and sisters, asking for God’s protection, healing, and peace. This is a time to reflect on how we are called to act in this world as modern-day Esthers—women who courageously stand for God’s people, interceding and advocating in moments of crisis.

But as we move beyond Yom Kippur, we are reminded that God’s work in us doesn’t end with forgiveness. He offers grace to transform us, empowering us to step into His divine purpose. The year 5785 holds special significance, as the Hebrew letters for 85 symbolize the mouth (pey) and grace (hey). This is a year for us to speak life and truth, both in prayer and action, and to embrace God’s grace as the power to overcome challenges and walk in victory.

Sukkot: A Season of Joy and Shelter in God's Presence

As Yom Kippur gives way to Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, we are invited into a season of celebration and remembrance. Sukkot is a time to rejoice in God’s provision and protection, as we remember the Israelites who journeyed through the wilderness, living in temporary shelters (sukkahs) under God's care. In this time, we are reminded that no matter the challenges Israel faces, God is their ultimate refuge.

Modern-day Esthers are called not only to reflect but to act during this time. Just as Esther stood for her people in the face of great danger, we too are called to rise and defend Israel in practical ways—through prayer, advocacy, and support. This year, we encourage you to stand with Israel by supporting efforts to provide bomb shelters for families living under the threat of attack. Let us speak life over Israel and offer the tangible grace of protection, just as God shelters His people.

5785: A Year of Divine Opportunities

The year 5785 presents divine opportunities—times when God is calling us to step into His plans and purposes. This is a time to stay in sync with the Holy Spirit, ready to embrace "Kairos" moments where we can make a difference. Whether through standing for Israel, interceding for peace, or advocating for justice, this is a year for modern-day Esthers to rise and take their place in God’s unfolding story.

As we move through this prophetic year, let us speak life, embrace God’s grace, and step into the opportunities He provides. Israel’s future and the future of the church are intertwined, and we have the privilege of standing at the heart of God’s redemptive plan. Together, as modern-day Esthers, we are called to be watchmen on the walls—praying, advocating, and standing for Israel in 5785.

And as you join us in praising the Living God for the miracle of the modern-day state of Israel, we pray youā€™ll renew your own resolve to bless Israel and the Jewish people by giving a generous gift of support.

May God bless you for being a blessing to Israel and the Jewish people

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