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The Ambassadors Have Landed


We are so honored to have our first Christian Women For Israel Ambassadors representing YOU in the HOLY LAND! 
Meet Modern Day Esthers, Leah and Fatu from the Samoan Islands and Colette from Fargo, North Dakota. They are ordinary women who were CALLED to do EXTRAORDINARY Kingdom work, serving in Israel. 
They are praying daily at the Western Wall for YOU, the peace of Jerusalem and our nations. CW4I Ambassadors are servant leaders who care for the needs of the Israeli people...

Could YOU be next?

Christian Women for Israel (CW4I) has an amazing program of intercession that is in need of powerful women prayer warriors just like YOU. 

Each volunteer will serve for 7 days in Israel to pray for Israel, America, the Jewish people and our community of Esthers! 

Not only will you pray at the Western Wall daily, your tour of duty includes the opportunity to serve at a Jerusalem Soup kitchen, visit IDF troops, visit Yad Vashem, the Old City of Jerusalem, the Garden Tomb and more. 

Now Accepting Volunteer Applications. Deadline Sept 30th

Don’t miss out on this once in a lifetime chance to experience the Holy Land, the holiest place in all the world, Jerusalem.   

Now Accepting Applications! Travel Scholarships Available!


And as you join us in praising the Living God for the miracle of the modern-day state of Israel, we pray youā€™ll renew your own resolve to bless Israel and the Jewish people by giving a generous gift of support.

May God bless you for being a blessing to Israel and the Jewish people

Yes, I want to Bless the Jewish People in Israel!

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