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"Let My People Go": A Call for Freedom Echoes Through Israel's History

In a moment that recalls the ancient cry of Moses before Pharaoh, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu invoked powerful words: "Let my people go!" This bold declaration wasn’t directed at an ancient oppressor, but at Hamas—the terror group that has held Israeli hostages captive since the horrific attacks on October 7, 2023. Just as Pharaoh hardened his heart and refused to free the Israelites, Hamas continues to resist all efforts to release the innocent men, women, and children it holds in bondage.

In the days ahead, Netanyahu has vowed to increase military and political pressure on Hamas, much like the plagues of Egypt were used to break Pharaoh’s grip on the people of Israel. The parallels are striking, reminding us that Israel’s fight for freedom has always been a part of its prophetic journey.

A Modern-Day Exodus: Israel's Struggle for Freedom

The story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt is not just a historical event—it is a profound...

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