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Crown of Beauty

A heartbreaking call from Jerusalem came into Israel's Crisis Hotline last week. The caller, a young single mother who is out of work due to COVID-19, is suicidal. 

She has no job, no food for her children, no meal for Shabbat dinner, no husband (he left her and their four children), and she doesn't qualify for any government funding because of a bureaucratic loophole.  Literally, she has no money and had no hope! 

Fortunately, she did have you! 

Because of your ongoing monthly gift and mitzvahs (good deeds) in support of Israel's Crisis Hotline, you provided a way for this desperate mother to find hope.

You live out the prophet Isaiah's words and provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.” Isaiah 61:3...

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Mitzvah Challenge: How Great is your Love?

"For great is your love toward me; you have delivered me from the depths, from the realm of the dead." Psalms 86:13

COVID-19 has presented all of us with unexpected challenges. Holocaust survivors can be resilient, however, imagine Sara, a child Holocaust survivor who is following all the guidelines of staying safe and sheltering in place. 

Sara, who was in constant fear for her life as a child; who was separated from her parents and family.  She knows she is safe, there are no guns to her head now, or guards that threaten to hurt her. 

Nevertheless, she is alone in her apartment, isolated… She is reliving the memories of “forced” separations from friends and family as a Survivor in her 80s. 

What we have learned about trauma exposure, is that the conditions of uncertainties like COVID-19 may trigger agonizing memories and cause further psychological damage. 

As a CW4I Mitzvah Maker, you are truly a lifeline for the elderly on two...

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A Passover Mitzvah

"Answer me, LORD, out of the goodness of your love; in your great mercy turn to me."  Psalms 69:16 

As a CW4I Mitzvah Maker, you are truly a lifeline for the poor in Israel. The uncertainty and economic crisis due to COVID-19 is a challenge for many who find themselves in need. These individuals and families are relying on Christian Women For Israel’s Mitzvahs. 

Your Mitzvah Challenge is to not give in to fear, but to rise up and lend a helping hand. Live in gratitude, praise and worship. Love your God, and to love your neighbor as yourself. 

Your generous support has made it possible for Israel's Crisis Hotline to answer the increase in daily pleas for help. We are not sitting idly by when Passover is just days away. Pictured above are the special Passover foods being delivered this week. 

Christian Women For Israel has a goal to help 250 families in dire need this Passover. In the past week, that need has more than doubled. Each Passover food...

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Todayā€™s Mitzvah Monday Challenge: Teach a child how to give joy and be joyful!

Watch this short video about a remarkable little boy who, with the support of his mother, delivered both flowers and loving hugs to seniors in a local nursing home as his New Year’s resolution.  

This adorable six year old clearly understood the impact he was making on these nursing home residents, many of whom were isolated and challenged by memory issues.  He was not being coached to be “cute;” rather, he was truly joyful in presenting bouquets of flowers and hugging and kissing these grateful seniors.  One man was so touched by the kindness of this child that he gently held him in his arms and cried – and this wonderful child fully welcomed the embrace for as long as this man wanted this closeness.  

Children come into this world innocently – as blank slates - capable of learning how to love and how to hate.  What better way to teach Christ-like love by providing our children and grandchildren the opportunity to be a Mitzvah...

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